Located at the heart of Archivist and PathFinder, a Business Object encapsulates:
- all tables related to a logical data item (ex: Purchase Orders, Sales Orders)
- relationships between those tables
Archivist uses Business Objects to ensure data integrity is maintained during archiving, while PathFinder users them to allow users to inquire on their data based on logical relationships.
The built-in GUI Business Object Designer allows users to:
- modify existing Business Objects provided by Essentio (ex: add custom tables)
- create their own custom Business Objects for any application
JD Edwards
Essentio provides pre-defined Business Objects for JD Edwards covering all transactional (ex: Sales Orders, Purchase Orders) as well as master data (ex: Customers, Items, Suppliers). Additionally, the Business Object functionality extends to automatically include Media Objects for the related data items. These objects are also used by both, Archivist and PathFinder, which means, even if you need to customize them, the modifications will be visible to both products.